Orchids, only if you water them with this popular ingredient, will they last a long time

Orchids are fascinating, they are one of the flowers that inspire the most fear when we have to take care of them.

One more reason to know which popular ingredient makes them last particularly long. If you also love orchids, you will find some useful information in the following article.

Elegance, harmony and beauty: orchids

They can rightly be considered one  of the most elegant flowers  you can get, their perfect symmetry has always represented  elegance, harmony, an almost sensual beauty and love.

In fact, it is often given as a symbol of reciprocated affection and our passion. But in addition to their known or unknown meaning, orchids with their bright colors give  our four walls a pleasantly colorful touch.

Their extreme beauty makes us believe that, although the opposite is true, such a houseplant is difficult to grow profitably at home.

Vase with white orchids

The orchid is a plant of tropical origin that is well suited to life in our homes. However, there are some precautions to be taken:  adequate light, irrigation and nutrients  are the conditions that make them not only hardy but also necessary for them to thrive year after year.

White vinegar for orchids?

One of the most common questions that orchid owners ask is whether it is true that  vinegar can be used as a fertilizer for orchids?

Are there any advantages or disadvantages to putting vinegar in orchids? It must be said that vinegar  is a liquid with a high content of acetic acid,  which, when  applied directly to leaves and roots, damages them  , whether they are orchids or other plants.

However, we can use vinegar to get rid of insect infestations, a fairly common problem, especially when it comes to flowers.  So, as a prevention against these flying insects, we can  add a 200 ml glass of water, two teaspoons of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of oil.

White wine vinegar

Once the ingredients are mixed in the jar, it is placed next to the orchids.  The vinegar repels flies and mosquitoes  , the oil ensures that the flies and insects that fall in do not stick because of the oil and can get out of the water.

With this trick you can start seeing results after just one night, plus it doesn’t cause any problems to the plant  other than the smell, which some may not like.

Vinegar and eggshells as fertilizer

Vinegar as a fertilizer for your orchid  should be used in conjunction with eggshells. After the  eggshells have been washed and dried,  they must be finely ground (we can do this with a simple blender), the more the shells are in powder form, the better they are suitable for the purpose.


Once the eggshells are ground into powder, they must be placed in a container with a lid into which we  pour 100 ml of white vinegar.  The two components immediately begin  to react chemically.

The amount of vinegar should be  enough to cover the eggshell with your finger.
Even though eggshell contains a lot of calcium, we cannot benefit 100% from it unless we mix it with vinegar.

The calcium in the shell, where it is in the form of carbonate, is insoluble in water but soluble in acetic acid.

Vinegar has  antimicrobial and antioxidant  properties, but is high in acidity, so pouring it directly on the pint would have very damaging consequences.

Leave it on for an hour with the lid closed and then leave it open for two days.

Treating orchids with sprays

After resting for two days,  the mixture is filtered  and 10 ml (two 5 ml syringes) are added to a jug with 1 liter of water.

At this point we can put the treated water in a spray can, now the mixture is ready. We can use it for orchids, both on the leaves and on the ground. In this case  we need to water no more than 5 tablespoons and once a month.