How to Grow Avocados at Home to Have an Endless Supply

Growing avocados at home  is simple and affordable for everyone. We start from a large seed that is inside the fruit and with the help of stakes we can grow a small tree which, if we are lucky, can bear fruit in the future. Below we explain how to do it.

Just give us an  avocado  , from which we must take the large central seed. Once washed well, apply three or four posts in the shape of a cross, as in the photo. The idea is to put it in the jar without completely submerging it.

The  avocado seed  should be placed in a glass filled with water and placed in a very bright corner of the house. You have to wait for the roots to emerge, which generally takes two to four weeks (depending on light and temperature). The root should reach a length of 10 centimeters.

Once this length is reached, remove the stakes and the water, and transplant the avocado into a pot filled with universal potting soil. It will take about a month to develop the first leaves.

The  avocado  should be transplanted into the ground in spring. It needs a lot of water, to be poured whenever the soil surface becomes dry. An organic fertilizer can be added to optimize results.

The avocado takes about 6 years to bear fruit. It takes a lot of patience, but the results will be satisfactory.