Anturio, a handful is enough to make it flourish like never before: it lasts you for years

Anthurium, a stunning indoor plant, can grace your apartment for years with just a handful of a particular ingredient. Learn the secret to its long-lasting beauty.


Characterized by vibrant and showy flowers along with pointed or heart-shaped leaves, Anthurium andreanum is an elegant and refined plant well-suited for apartment living. Despite the potential for wilting, with proper care, Anthurium can flourish for extended periods, even spanning years.

The name Anthurium, derived from Greek, translates to “flower with a tail,” owing to the distinctive shape of its leaves, known as spathes, which exhibit a small yellow tail. Unlike many other plants, Anthurium andreanum doesn’t demand excessive effort or meticulous care. As a houseplant, it can endure and thrive when appropriately tended.


The crucial requirement is maintaining the right environmental humidity, as Anthurium originates from the Colombian tropical jungle. Placing it away from direct heat sources and central heating, which can render the environment arid, is advisable. To address potential withering due to low humidity, there’s a secret ingredient capable of ensuring the prolonged survival of your Anthurium—oat water.


Readily available in supermarkets, oat water can be easily prepared at home, serving as a miraculous natural fertilizer for your Anthurium. Boil 1000 ml of water and add 2 tablespoons of powdered oats to create a homemade mixture that revitalizes your plant. Applying this self-produced fertilizer in the morning allows the soil to absorb the oat water’s properties and nutrients, invigorating the Anthurium.

Oat water

To sustain the health of your Anthurium, be cautious not to let the soil dry out completely. Avoid the common mistake of daily watering; instead, water every three days in summer and every six days in autumn and winter. Additionally, Anthurium thrives in an environment with constant humidity, making a humidifier a valuable addition. Place the plant in a bright area, preferably near a window where sunlight filters indirectly to prevent leaf burn.