Orchid, only with this trick do gardeners manage to keep them alive for many years

To have a lush and healthy orchid, you just need to apply a simple method, which we will talk about.

The orchid plant, like any plant, needs care and attention to last a long time. To have healthy and strong orchids, you can use some natural methods. With the right care, it is possible to have orchids with roots and young leaves all year round.

There is a very simple Asian method that orchids can use to develop strong roots and new leaves. To find out how to revive an orchid, I recommend that you read the instructions provided.

Properties of orchids

Orchids, which in the language of flowers are the symbol of beauty and sensuality, are beautiful and elegant flowers. This beautiful flower of tropical and subtropical origin is also widespread in Italy. What distinguishes these flowers are their fleshy leaves and brightly colored blossoms.


Three types of orchid are particularly common on the market, such as the well-known butterfly orchid or the Phalaenopsis. They grow well in an apartment, at a temperature of around twenty degrees, in bright, humid places and never in direct sunlight.

A healthy orchid flowers twice a year, but needs to be fertilized all year round. As far as watering is concerned, they should only be watered when they are completely dry. As they are delicate plants that grow in soft soil, you must be careful never to water too much.

Reviving an orchid

To bring an orchid back to life, make it grow vigorously and have healthy, robust roots, you can follow a method used by Asians. To start, simply take an orchid plant and clean the soil from the roots. Then, with the help of scissors, you need to cut off all the roots. At this point, after removing each root with your hands, you need to remove the excess leaves, leaving only a central stem intact.

After you have carefully washed the orchid and dried the remaining leaves with absorbent cotton, you need to take some garlic and crush it in a mortar. The crushed garlic should then be placed at the bottom of a glass container. Water should be added to the garlic, which should then be filtered into another container. The orchid should then be placed in a glass, into which about a third of the garlic juice should be poured.

After leaving the small orchid in the garlic juice for about twenty minutes, the seedling should be left to dry in an empty glass. In the meantime, you need to take a small plastic bottle and cut off the top so that you have a plastic cup. Then, the top of the bottle or neck must be placed on the bottom of the jar obtained.

Then insert the root of the small orchid into the neck of the bottle. A little water must then be added so as not to wet the roots. The water at the bottom will evaporate over the course of a few hours and provide the right humidity. Every two days it is necessary to steam the orchid plant in the bottle with a little water and within a month it will quickly develop new roots and new healthy and robust leaves.


Tips for orchids

Orchids should always be planted in transparent pots as their root system needs plenty of light to develop . Pots that ensure maximum oxygen supply and aeration are suitable for orchids.

Orchid plants must be watered by immersing their pot in a basin of water. As orchids do not tolerate chlorine, it is better to spray and water them with rainwater or distilled water.

It is better to place the orchid in humid places such as the bathroom, kitchen or a greenhouse. To keep an orchid in its place for a long time, it is necessary to never expose it to sunlight, avoid waterlogging and cut the roots carefully.

To make an orchid bloom again, it is sufficient to give fertilizer and water at the right frequency, check the leaves regularly and clean them with a cloth or cotton. It is very important to keep them in a well-ventilated place and at a temperature of no more than twenty degrees.