6 plants that are real oxygen bombs and detoxify the air in your home

Plants not only have a therapeutic dimension but also bring a touch of beauty to our homes. They are also real carbon dioxide sponges that clean and detoxify the atmosphere.

Some of them are real oxygen pumps and it is important to know them. Not to spoil anything, they are very pleasant to have in your home.

What could be better than having plants? These not only line our interiors but also release oxygen to purify the air in our home.

It therefore makes sense to get plants because they also have a therapeutic effect and connect us directly with nature.

How do plants produce oxygen?

This phenomenon sounds incredible, but it is based on a biological process called photosynthesis.

This is how plants convert toxic substances such as carbon dioxide into oxygen. So the air is purified and we breathe better when there are plants in our house.

These also break down toxins and reduce stress. Caring for plants is also a source of Zen for people with hectic lifestyles, as this activity allows them to take a break from everyday stress.

You have an environment full of nature where you can feel comfortable and relax. So here are 6 plants that will fill your rooms with the oxygen you should have at home.

Which plants provide the most oxygen?

The Sword of Saint George:

This plant is ideal for people in a hurry as it requires little care. This plant with its pointed leaves does not need much water or light. Unlike other plants, it captures carbon dioxide to emit oxygen at night. The Sword of Saint George is therefore ideal to thrive in your bedroom and give you a peaceful night’s sleep. A pot that may help you fall asleep.

The Aloe Vera:

This amazing plant with its moisturizing properties is also suitable for those who don’t have a green thumb. Like the Sword of Saint George, it does not require much moisture or light and can grow very well indoors in a small pot. It also makes a great gel for hair and skin when you extract the flesh in the leaves. Enjoy the fresh air that aloe vera gives you by filtering out toxic particles. Plus, it lasts incredibly long!

The bamboo palm:

This plant, which comes from China and is often found in our homes, filters benzene and trichlorethylene. This beautiful, lush plant is therefore ideal to place on furniture that may contain formaldehyde, a substance often leached from household cleaners. In addition, the bamboo palm is a real oxygen bomb, ideal for purifying the atmosphere in your home. A bargain that will have you heading to your nearest tree nursery.


Not only does this plant look great covering a patio or a wall, it is also incredibly good for air purification. It is also easy to maintain and, like the bamboo palm, is effective at binding formaldehyde. This creeping plant adapts to many climates and can be planted in a pot or on the ground. This oxygen bomb is also a plant that can wallpaper interiors!

The Philodendron:

Like the bamboo palm and ivy, this houseplant is an excellent formaldehyde killer, which can also be a dreaded allergen. The philodendron just needs a lot of care. A pleasant activity for those who like gardening, as it lasts for several years. It is important to water it daily and pick off the leaves when it changes color.

Der Chlorophyt :

This plant, with its incredible photosynthesis mechanisms, is suitable for anyone who does not want to spend time constantly watering their plants. It is also extremely air purifying and thoroughly detoxifies the air.

Why is gardening therapeutic?

Aside from its aesthetic dimension to the home, gardening is also an excellent way to calm down in everyday life. It allows you to fully connect with nature by taking the time to live for yourself without screens and switching off the constant flood of information. And what could be more satisfying than seeing a beautiful plant grow thanks to all your care and love?